10 Main reasons of your failure

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"Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay not defeat. It is temporary detour, not a dead end Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing"

Today every Successful person in the world get success after their failure they learn from their failure and keep going without loosing hope. This thing make them successful. Actually it usually happen whenever you get one failure in your way it make you depress and you start loosing hope. It also create lack of confident when you are going to second attempt.

failure is the part of successful without failure you can't get success only you have to do learn from your failure why you get failure? what are the reasons behind your failure? and make your mind you will never repeat these mistake in another attempt.

What is the main reason of failure in everyone life? there are some common reasons.
Let's see what are the reasons

1. Afraid of stand out among the crowd

Internally you are afraid to come out in front of audience you are not prepared yourself mentally. In the world 3 out of 10 give up because they are afraid to come out in front of their society. Whenever you are going to start your own business or want to do something different you first think about your society. is this type of business or work according to your society? this is the first question in your mind arise.

2. Lack of persistent

Mostly people fail not because of they don't have knowledge and talent they have but they fail because they do not continue their work they become tired and demotivated. After sometime they feel bored with that work no success you see from the beginning this also demotivate you. And they just quit.

You have to start your day with new inspiration watch motivational videos, read quotes and other thing that motivate you these all things important because you did't get success yet doing from years it make your mind to quit. But never give up just continue your work.

3. Your surroundings, relatives stop you

In your way of success you are going to met people, they may be your relative- will give you their own opinion like if you are doing this you will never get success, it is worthless, do what your uncle did and many things they are going to say but only few going to say whatever you are doing just do it and never give up once you will get success.

Now think what you want to hear from your relative obviously you want motivation But mostly relative. your surrounding stop you from doing so. They will continuously pass you comment but you should avoid them and listen your heart if you think you are doing whatever is good for you then just do it and never allow anyone in your way who give you bad comments just avoid them.

4. Lack of confidence

Self confidence is must in the way of success. For doing anything whatever you want you should be confident about your work that you will get success. small deviation from your way pull you back and less confident also.

Over confident is also harmful for you only you have to understand that putting all effort and know you are right will give you success. There are many people out there who accomplish a little bit and decide that they are an expert. This is over confidence you should avoid it.

5. You are afraid of build network and strong relationships 

For success you have to make friend and have to be polite, always have positive thoughts while talking to anyone. Don't create your enemy you should increase your network. It also have another benefit everyone will have positive image and they respect you.

So you have to build your network, make friends and build strong relationship. Because they may be help you when you get troubled. And also research show that living without regular social contact is as unhealthy as smoking cigarettes.

6. Argue against advice instead of taking it

As I said in 3 many persons going to stop you they pull back but some of them only few support you, once you have to listen what they are saying and analyze what they said is good or not. If you feel that they are saying wrong then you argued them. 

But many of them give you advice that really going to help you in your work you have to take that advice and don't argued them because only few care you about your. And after taking advice you have to implement in yourself.

7. You are too distracted

You are living in modern period and today facebook newsfeed, twits,sb0- reditts, imgur, facebook again, check email again. and many more these are the distraction. All of these things stop you from moving forward in your life.

If you want to get success you should reduce the use of these social sites and do your work with full efforts. But in your work your mind need some rest you play some outdoor games instead of using social site it will keep you fit. 

8. You are not take responsibility

For your failure responsibility is major reason you still don't prepare yourself to take responsibility. you Still depend on other- on your parents. For the success you have to take responsibility for what happen in your life never depend on other.

9.  You don't believe that is possible

Work you want to do you start it but you still not believe that it is possible to get success and it is possible. For instance one study showed that athletes who held inaccurate positive beliefs about their own abilities outperformed athletes with accurate or negative belief about their own abilities.

Beyond that, people who overestimate what they are capable of are far more likely to actually, you know get off their ass and try and when you try and learn from your failure you can eventually lead yourself to success.

10.  you give up

Main reason of failure are: Doing things without thinking of them and thinking about things without doing them.

Many person give up in mid of the way because of failure. Failure is not a reason to stop trying. It actually a reminder that you should keep going.

"Failure is not different but it is the part of success" so 




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