Spicy food change your overall health and Brain. How?

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Do you know according to science, spicy food we eat is -- actually giving you a health boost, in hot dishes, burger and other hot dishes give you health boost. According to science, it shows that spicy food can change our brain and boost our overall health with a high concentration of health.

Spicy food make you to live longer life

People who eat spicy food, chilli peppers a few times a week longer lower the risk of death by 14% and it was proof by massive study of half million of Chinese people suggest that spicy food may help you to live longer and the research conducted at Harward.

How it help to live longer? Actually Capsaicin, a compound found in Chilli peppers  has a beneficial effect on metabolism and it also help to reduce your risk of developing a range of ailments, including cancer.

Spicy food help to increase connections between brain cells

Another research show that the compound, apigenin found in chilli peppers which shows it strengthen connections between brain cells. Apigenin, a flavonoid may also be a powerful agent in preserving key brain functions such as Alzheimer's diseases, Parkinson's diseases, and some mental disorder such as Schizophrenia.

The researchers at Harward's T.H.ChanSchool of public Health and the Chinese Academy of medical Science looked at data from 485,000 people in China who reported on dietary habits, including how often they ate spicy foods, red meat, alcohol, and vegetables excluding who had a history of heart diseases, diabetes and cancer at the end of seven year study period, Researchers looked to see if there were any connections between diet, diseases, and mortality risk. And they found who ate spicy foods otwo or three day in a week had a 10% reduced risk of overall risk of mortality, compared to those who had a spicy meal less often than once per week.

And those who ate spicy food specially peppers six to seven times in a week all had a 14% reduced risk of dying. people who did't drink drink alcohol seemed to have the most benefit.
"Spicy food or ots components have been related to improved inflammation, reduced body adiposity or also improved lipid profiles,"

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