6 Simple Hacks to fall asleep in 30 seconds

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We all want good quality sleep but many of us find ourselves to tossing and turning hours after we hit the pillow, unable to sleep. Everyone want to sleep well but unfortunately in the modern era you don't have time, business work, social networking sites and many other things you do in a day from all of them you forget to take proper sleep.

Average duration of sleep you have to take about 8 hours in a day but you don't. Many of you want to sleep but whenever you are going to take sleep but you find yourself to turning from one side to another.

Proper sleep is good of health also so "how you can take proper sleep?" How to fall asleep in just 30 seconds. Here are some simple scientifically proof sleep hacks help to fall asleep in just 30 seconds.

1.Take healthier diet 

Research has found to that increasing your intake of fruits,pulses and vegetable can help to improve your sleep, and your body need magnesium, potassium, or other essential minerals helps you to go to sleep dramatically, Even incorporating more turkey- rich in tryptophan which helps induce drowsiness and sleepiness - can help make the distance between awake and sleep much easier.

2. Before going sleep read a Book 

One of the best sleep hacks is to turn down the lights, snuggle down and have a quick read of a good bedside tome.You have to avoid electronics equipment specially mobile and read something like magazine, story book etc although reading something you find boring.

when you adopt hobbit of reading book before sleep it give two benefit first you gain some knowledge and another main benefit is you gain sleep faster without turning your face one side to another. And it will make your health also good

3. Set Formal bedtime 

It is good to set a formal time to go to bed every evening, it is beneficial in terms of helping you get to sleep post-haste. Setting formal bedtime help you physically and also have good health effect it maintain your posture. Regular sleep enhance the ability of brain adjust its level of serotonin and melatonin , and helps balance your circadian rhythm out and set the time of your sleep and follow this daily.

Setting formal bedtime is good thing and daily go to sleep on your formal time it help you to sleep well increase your ability to do more work in next day.

4.Practice Yoga before bed

For a better and healthy life yoga is good there are many types of asans in Yoga that help you to get better sleep. Learn different type of Yoga's asan from the internet and practice Yoga before going sleep. Research suggest that doing a spot of Yoga can help relax your body and help you get to sleep in record time.

Yoga gets a lot of attention for its health benefits but if you are stuck on a sleepless night try your hand at some Yoga and find yourself relaxing and nodding off immediately.

5.Drink warm milk before sleep

The old adage about drinking warm milk helping you to go sleep, turns out to be not only true, but a beneficial sleep hack for anyone trying to get to sleep quicker. warm milk, or similarly crafted milk-based beverages, may have shaky standing as a soporific thanks to the on going debate over the actual effectiveness of tryptophan in aiding sleep. 

If you want to have a little sip of something before you hit the hay, try the glass of warm milk, rather than the traditional boozy nightcap. You will feel better for it in the morning - in more ways than one.

6.Avoid the use of electronics

This is the biggest reason of getting late sleep. Smartphones, games, tv, etc are the example of electronics in which you are busy. Daily when you are going to sleep always check your smartphone after sometime and play games from all of these your brain become tired and it need rest and after that you are just sleep only for few hours and it is not sufficient for a healthy and better sleep.

For a healthy and better sleep you have to avoid all the electronic and try and turn off your laptop, phone or tablet about an hour before you go to bed, so your mind unwind properly  and you can get that all important quality of sleep that you deserve.

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